
At Xavier College we foster in students a strong sense of community and pride.

This is why we require all students to wear their full uniform, especially when representing the school at sport or for any other purpose.

We ask parents and students to ensure that they are familiar with our school uniform and grooming guidelines below.

School Locker Shop

Xavier College has entered into a partnership with The School Locker who retail school uniforms, technology, footwear, stationery, sporting goods and musical instruments. Stationery can be purchased online and delivered to your door, and the College uniform can be purchased online ready to be collected from the College shop.

The School Locker Shop will be open: 

Monday 8am to 12pm
Thursday 12pm to 4pm 


School Locker Online Portal
Shop online at theschoollocker.com.au
Products are available for purchase online from The School Locker website. You can choose to have your order shipped directly to you or you can collect it from the school uniform shop during trading hours.


Uniform Expectations

Please click here to view the uniform expectations