More to say after R U OK

There's more to say after R U OK?

The Students of Xavier this week got around to speak with other students about R U OK Day - they discussed who they can chat to, where they go to have a meaning conversation and why this day is significant.

In tutor groups all of this week they have broken up into groups of 2 or 3 to ask a series of questions and try to gauge how their peers are feeling.


They were able to take to the classrooms and grounds of Xavier and ask other students who they felt they could turn to to have a meaningful conversation and what are the key ingredients to having a caring and supportive talk with others.

Check out a few examples below:

We also caught up with the current and next years School captains to discuss why there is more to say after R U OK?

Xavier has dedicated a week of activities like this as we understand the importance of R U OK and why it extends beyond one day a year and that a conversation can change a life.

To see what else the students of Xavier have been up to, check out our Key Learning Area Showcase stories below:

KLA Showcase news