10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of St Mary McKillop

The 10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of St Mary McKillop.

With only a few days until the Canonisation of St Mary McKillop you are invited to reflect.

On the 16th of October, 8 pm your local time you are invited participate in Courage hour.


It is a global vigil to celebrate the 10th anniversary of St Mary’s canonisation.

This special event will be an hour of deep peace, prayer and reflection on Mary’s courage.

St Mary Mckillop poster

Using the free prayer booklet titled 'Encountering St Mary MacKillop in Prayer' you're invited to join in ten days of prayer in preparation for the anniversary of St Mary of the Cross’s canonisation.
This prayer booklet also includes instructions and script for Courage Hour.

View and download the free online booklet here;


Take a look below as many reflect on how they take Mary's Lead and Take Fresh Courage.



A Very special thanks to the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart for this beautiful invitation and resources to help us reflect.