KLA Showcase Year 10 Science




Key Learning Area Showcase - Year 10 Science

At Xavier College, students are engaged in learning that is preparing them for their future. We continue to feature a Key Learning Area each week to show what the learning looks like for the students in all year groups and in all subjects. Check out what what been happening in our Science Classrooms in Year10.


Electricity in the home.

Our Year 10 students have got the power in Science this week as they start work on the XIL Project; Electricity in the Home. Taking on the authentic role of electrical engineers, students are evaluating and redesigning electrical circuits to ensure they meet household safety and efficiency requirements. Working collaboratively in groups, students observe and plan the electrical features of an “off the plan” house design. Students also get to experiment and construct different circuits such as series and parallel circuits in the classroom.

Once they have designed their household circuit, students will be submitting their electrical plan for their house to the “council” of classroom teachers for approval. This XIL project shines an engaging and interesting light on the importance of electrical currents and how these work within the home. As a final unit to finish off the year, this XIL project also provides our young students who are interested in working in post-school electrical professions a spark into what their future could look like!
